Monthly facials are a wonderful way to designate personal care time each month! They also allow you to connect with a professional with whom you can regularly check in about skin goals and progress, ensuring you are investing in the proper skin care products. In addition to these benefits, your membership will also receive:
Enjoy a monthly facial from our 60 minute, $200 facial collection, including facials from Marie Veronique, Laurel Organics, and Tammy Fender. You can switch up your facials each month based on your needs, or stick with your favorite! Facials are available to address oily/acneic and congested skin; mature, dry and sensitive skin; and discolored or hyperpigmented skin.
Enjoy a monthly facial from our advanced collection, including Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Customized Microcurrent Facial, Customized LED Facial, Buccal Facial, and Rose Quartz Reiki Facial. These are our most popular and impactful treatments, with a range of wonderful options for all skin types and needs. You can also elect to use this membership to book a private sound bath and reiki session!
Here’s how our membership works
Our membership program is a four month commitment - after four months you can cancel or modify your membership as needed by emailing
You get one roll-over appointment per membership cycle. If you are unable to get a facial one month, you get one rollover facial that you can add on to the end of your membership or you can schedule two facials in one month. We are unable to accommodate more than one missed facial per membership cycle and they are considered forfeited.
Membership facials are fully subject to our cancellation policy and require 24 hours notice for cancellations. No-calls and no-shows are considered forfeited appointments.